Allan Zhou

About Me

Allan Zhou is a 2-time best-poaster award winner.

I am a research engineer at Google DeepMind. My current research focus is on developing large-scale generative models that enable robot learning.

I recently completed my PhD at Stanford, advised by Chelsea Finn. There, my core research focused on geometric deep learning and nested optimization. I also worked on learned optimizers as an intern at Google DeepMind, and on reinforcement learning as an intern at Meta’s FAIR.

Previously, I was an AI resident at Google Brain. I obtained my BS at UC Berkeley, advised by Anca Dragan.

Some papers (all)

*Denotes equal contribution.

  1. Adaptive Data Optimization: Dynamic Sample Selection with Scaling Laws
    Yiding Jiang*, Allan Zhou*, Zhili Feng, Sadhika Malladi, J. Zico Kolter.
    ICLR 2025. [arXiv] [Code]
  2. Universal Neural Functionals
    Allan Zhou, Chelsea Finn, James Harrison.
    NeurIPS 2024. [arXiv] [Code]
  3. NeRF in the Palm of Your Hand: Corrective Augmentation for Robotics via Novel-View Synthesis
    Allan Zhou*, Moo Jin Kim*, Lirui Wang, Pete Florence, Chelsea Finn.
    CVPR 2023. [arXiv][Videos]